Multi Track Recording Process
We use some of the latest technology available to record all sessions in as many tracks as possible. This provides the mixing engineer with the ultimate control of the final sound. From Bach to rock, all projects are harder to record but easier to mix with multitrack recording.
High Sample Rates & Bit Depths
Depending on the project, we typically record at least 192k at 32 bit. That means that 192,000 samples are taken per second to ensure the highest quality capture of the original source (this is over 4x the quality of a CD). The 32 bit refers to the accuracy of each sample - not only are we taking lots of samples, but they are extremely accurate. 32 bit float recording represents an amazing jump in sonic range from 16 bit CDs. And while the end result will likely be a 16 bit file that an end customer enjoys, you can choose what to eliminate in the studio, instead of having your recording equipment choose for you during recording. 32 bit float is essentially distortion-free (after the preamp), which ensures no damage is done to the recorded waveforms.
We can combine multiple separate takes into one final sound track.
It’s extremely rare to get a perfect take on every instrument of a single song. And that’s why we use our advanced DAW software to combine different takes together to make a perfect track. Different instruments can be taken from different tracks, and vocals can even be merged. If the takes are done with strict time, tracks can even be merged mid-beat.